Nevertheless, we arrived and performed our respective duties with energy and excitement. These included pulling pork, cutting fruits and vegetables, setting tables, posing for pictures, carrying tables and chairs, and making punch. The wedding event was a community affair: Megan and Brad's friends, teachers, family, etc. did most things from cooking and cleaning to cake to decorations to hair and alterations on the dresses. About 300 people were in attendance as near as we could figure.
I've included pictures below: Megan and Brad listening to the meditation; the happy couple with my mom's side of the family; the ring bearer (Brad's brother) and flower girl (our cousin) playing before the ceremony; the sisters "eating" our flowers (can you guess that twin?); and me with Jamie, who arrived on Friday.
I did have what might be considered a pastoral contribution to the wedding. After the vows I offered a prayer of blessing, which was an honor to compose. Here it is in unedited form:
Loving God, we come with grateful hearts to give you thanks and praise.
We come as the family, friends, and faith community of Megan and Brad to rejoice and celebrate their covenant of love.
We give you thanks for love without condition, love without boundaries, love that gives life, love that is expressed and embodied and faithful as it so clearly is today.
May the deep love we witness in this sacred time and in this sacred place continue to emerge in the partnership between Megan and Brad.
Loving God,
Give them grace when there is hurt,
light in the nighttime of their fears
open communication when there is disagreement
hearts of service for one another and for the world
Bless them in their work and in their companionship;
In their sleeping and in their waking;
In their weeping and in their laughter;
May this day be remembered and may their covenant flourish and as long as life shall last.
In the spirit of this love we pray.

I did have what might be considered a pastoral contribution to the wedding. After the vows I offered a prayer of blessing, which was an honor to compose. Here it is in unedited form:
Loving God, we come with grateful hearts to give you thanks and praise.
We come as the family, friends, and faith community of Megan and Brad to rejoice and celebrate their covenant of love.
We give you thanks for love without condition, love without boundaries, love that gives life, love that is expressed and embodied and faithful as it so clearly is today.
May the deep love we witness in this sacred time and in this sacred place continue to emerge in the partnership between Megan and Brad.
Loving God,
Give them grace when there is hurt,
light in the nighttime of their fears
open communication when there is disagreement
hearts of service for one another and for the world
Bless them in their work and in their companionship;
In their sleeping and in their waking;
In their weeping and in their laughter;
May this day be remembered and may their covenant flourish and as long as life shall last.
In the spirit of this love we pray.

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